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Dory and Crush


This good-natured blue tang has lots of great qualities, but a reliable memory is not one of them. Joining forces with Marlin on his mission to find his son, she is short on memory but long on loyalty, optimism and encouragement. Through shark-infested waters and minefields of jellyfish, this cheerful character manages to keep her head above water and float with the tide as she lends a friendly fin.

Dory Quotes-"just keep swimming.. just keep swimming.. what do we do? we keep swiming.. we keep swimming" "oo pretty light.. i want to touch it!!" "sorry he's looking for his son fabio" "The sea monkeys stole my money" "I shall take him home and he shall be my squishy."

When it comes to cruising the East Australian Current (EAC), this cool sea turtle likes to go with the flow. Coming to the rescue of Marlin and Dory following their harrowing ordeal in a minefield of jellyfish, Crush helps then to get back on course and proves he’s one un-shell-fish dude.

Crush quotes-1st u were like woahhhh then u were like woahhh and then u were like woah" "hold on man, let us see what young squirt does soloo" "dude no hurling on the shell i just waxed it" "Koo Koo Kachoo"