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Marlin and Nemo

Dory and Crush

Bubbles and Peach

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Jacob's Finding Nemo Page


Welcome to My Finding Nemo page..if you dont like it...then get out! lol jk...or as the Crabs would say.....Heyyy Hey Hey!
This is my page dedicated to Finding Nemo...the best movie there is out!

cool lookin turkey that comes with the page
Some of the cast from Finding Nemo are...Marlin, Dory, Nemo, Gill, The sharks (Bruce, Anchor, and Chum), Nigel, Crush, Peach, Bloat, Bubbles, Deb and Flo, Gurgle, and Jacques.

The Story of the movie..
Life along the Great Reef is full of dangers when you’re a tiny clown fish. And for Marlin, a single parent determined to protect his only son, Nemo, there are constant fears and anxieties. When it comes time for Nemo to leave the protective shelter of his sea anemone home for the first day of school, Marlin nervously accompanies him and agonizes over his every move. When Nemo defies his father and swims beyond the reefae awesome "drop off" to investigate a boat, he is suddenly scooped up by a diver as Marlin helplessly watches.

Marlin's sinking feeling turn to desperate action as he frantically swims off in search of his son. As he passes a school of fish, he literally bumps into Dory, an agreeable blue tang who offers to help. The only problem is that Dory has severe short-term memory challenges and forgets things as quickly as they happen. Together, this aquatic odd couple set on an impossible mission.

Meanwhile, in a dentist's office overlooking Sydney Harbor, Nemo has landed in a fish tank that is home to a colorful group of characters. The leader is a tough moorish idol named Gill, who also came from the ocean and dreams of returning. The other tank-mates include: a starfish named Peach; a temperamental blowfish named Bloat; Bubbles, a bubble-obsessed yellow tang; a germophobic royal gramma named Gurgle; a compulsive cleaner shrimp named Jacques; and Deb, a black and white humbug damsel fish who believes that reflection in the tank glass is her identical twin sister, Flo. Nemo is officially initiated into the gang and he rekindles Gill's dormant desire to escape.

Marlin and Dory soon find themselves in troubled water contending with such hazards as a trio of sharks (embarked on a self-help program to improve their image from mindless eating machine); a mesmerizing-but-deadly anglerfish; a minefield of jellyfish. The duo also have a close encounter with a blue whale, surf the East Australian Current (EAC) with a hip herd of sea turtles, and fend off an attack by ravenous seagulls, as they make their way to Sydney Harbor. Their adventures become the stuff of legends, and soon fish and fowl alike are buzzing about this extraordinary pair. Word of this heroic clown fish traveling the ocean in search of his son even reaches Nemo back in his tank.

Nemo is surprised and thrilled when he learns of his father's search for him. With Gill's encouragement and motivated by a strong desire to return to his father, Nemo moves forward with a daring escape plan. But time is running out; the dentist's rambunctious niece Darla (a destructive dynamo who has been known to shake her pet fish until they go belly up) is set to pick up Nemo the next day.

Arriving at Sydney Harbor, Marlin and Dory get a major assist from Nigel, a friendly pelican who has also heard the stories of this brave clown fish. With the clock furiously ticking and numerous forces at play, the father and son remain oceans apart in their efforts to reunite.

As the Seagulls say...this page is Mine Mine Mine!!